Fire Emblems Three Houses Black Eagles Best Lineup
Black Eagles Students Ranked | Fire Emblem: 3 Houses
Today the students of the divisive Black Eagles firm are lining up for sentence. When it comes to pure personality diversity nosotros have to say that the Black Eagles take the other houses licked. Such strangeness encompasses an agoraphobic girl, a savagely sarcastic healer and lest nosotros not forget, a certain Von Aegir. Still, we're not here to discuss the diversity of personalities on brandish within the house, rather we're all about the numbers. Information technology might sound a scrap harsh, merely when we're faced with countless powerful foes throughout our latest Maddening Mode run, personal trifles accept a back seat to pure operation. As such, today nosotros're ranking the students of the Black Eagles business firm based on their power in battle.
Blackness Eagles Tier List

Amazing Tier
- Edelgard
- Petra
- Ferdinand

Information technology's rather hard to know what to say nearly the character of Edelgard, certainly without getting all spoiler-y, so we'll retreat to the comfort of pure statistics. That beingness the case, the leader of the Blackness Eagles house is an accented powerhouse. Just look at those starting stats! That strength stat is huge and it'due south not going to stop there thank you to a slap-up growth rate. Sure, Edelgard isn't likely to be the fastest member of your team, but she'll be able to turn her paw to whatever physical class you desire and put out huge amounts of damage. She'due south an absolute monster, in more means than one, and a unit that easily stands atop the Blackness Eagles tier listing.
We'll be the first to admit that an underwhelming feeling was felt when we first used Petra. Having initially played through the Blueish Lions route, we were completely spoiled by the speedy powerhouse that is Felix, so other 'quick' units had a high watermark to endeavour to accomplish. Having completed each firm road on multiple occasions now, we're happy to report that Petra is equally as fantastic as the moody blue lad. Her force might non attain the aforementioned heights and her personal skill isn't quite in that location, just she's thunderously fast no affair which course yous choose and given a footling time she'll shred her way through countless enemies on her own.
Despite his legendary meme-lord condition coming entirely on the back of his repeating voice over lines, Ferdinand manages to make his mode into our top tier… Begrudgingly. Every bit a battle unit, he's as close as y'all'll get to an 'Abel' classic for us, occupying our slot for a high strength, defense and skillful speed unit all wrapped into i. He's a stiff unit throughout, his high early statistics making him an ideal choice for a powerful mounted unit in the mid game, before transferring him into a Wyvern Lord late on. His personal skill isn't fantastic, though it can exist useful when using some less authentic weaponry, merely he's carried into our top tier on the forcefulness of his statistics lone.
Keen Tier
- Linhardt
- Bernadetta
- Dorothea

Linhardt is the showtime to appear in our heart, keen tier. We define this tier every bit units that are very good performers that merely miss out on that final element that would make them fantastic. In this instance Linhardt is a very good unit, perfectly capable of healing your team with a smashing choice of spells, whilst also contributing damage when required. Issues arise when you brainstorm to wait for that little flake extra that would push him forward, instead finding him teetering betwixt a cracking and practiced unit. His spell choice is fantastic, learning both Warp and Excalibur in Faith and Reason respectively, yet his personal skill is admittedly terrible and his statistics aren't corking, and he suffers for the lack of Primary spell casting classes. Linhardt is a well balanced unit then, one that will perform well and practise everything you need, however never quite scale the heights available to others.
Oh Bernadetta, how you confuse us. Built into this character are the abilities to exist one of the all-time units in the game. Her personal skill, in which she deals more damage when beneath full health, tin exist used to remove chunks of health from opponents in every turn. Her crest as well tin can actuate, giving her the ability to deal even more damage in the course of boosted full attacks. Fifty-fifty her budding talents push her towards the fantastic Bow Knight Main grade. Yet this is all starting time by her statistical growths. Over countless runs we've had wildly varying versions of Bernadetta, from earth beater to slow single attacking archer. Information technology's a shame really because Fire Keepsake, at least on high difficulty levels, favours consistency in battle over anything else. If you lot get the epic version of Bernadetta she's technically near the top of our tier list, withal the poor version is near the bottom, then in the finish nosotros've settled on placing her in the center. More than so than any other unit here, your mileage may vary. Wildly.
Throughout our writing well-nigh Three Houses and then far, the elevation of our lists tend to lean towards statistical dominance, later on all the best stats tend to equal the best performance. In Dorothea however, this isn't entirely true. Her stats really aren't annihilation special, non even shut to some of the other mages available, however she gains huge utility due to two primary things; her personal skill which heals adjacent allies every plow for free, and her spell selection, which includes the fantastic Falling star siege tome. Both of these mean that she'll always be useful no matter the situation, and she'll perform well in any team build. Her poor faith spell selection and stats may concur her back, but she's however a unit deserving of your attending.
OK Tier
- Hubert
- Caspar

Experienced in a vacuum, Hubert may seem like a very adept mage. His magic stat is very loftier and he'll amass a big selection of powerful spells with which to both impairment and debuff your opponents. There is nothing inherently wrong with any of those things, and if yous treat him like a regular mage he'll certainly do a good job. The problem arises when you brainstorm to consider him exterior of the vacuum, and compare him to the other magic users bachelor in 3 Houses. Firstly, he'll be outclassed past his own classmate Dorothea, thanks to her siege tome Meteor, and comparisons to those outside of the Black Eagles – Lysithea and Constance for case – volition also see him come up up short. Topping this all off is the poor spell caster course pick in the belatedly game for males characters. Hubert isn't a bad unit of measurement, only when y'all have a big selection of superior spell casters are your fingertips, he ends upwards feeling a little… Superfluous.
Much like his house mate Hubert, Caspar's issues ascend when you compare him to the other options available. Petra will completely outclass him from a speed perspective, Ferdinand from a Strength and Defence perspective, and Bernadetta is a ameliorate archer. OK, and then surely he could carve out another niche, mayhap in some other class of sorts? Yep, you lot can make Caspar a Grappler or a Wyvern Lord or such, and both will encounter him perform well, but such things don't brand Caspar good, rather the classes and weapons brand him then. Perhaps we've been continuously screwed over by RNG, just he's never been anything but a middling unit for us, a 'jack of all trades' type that unfortunately has no majorly redeeming features. That personal skill is terrible too.

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